It’s just brain surgery…
Our advanced neurological training phantoms simulate all critical elements of a specific procedure. The materials included have biomechanical characteristics similar to those of human tissue, and behave in a similar manner during cutting, manipulation, suturing, and electro-cautery. Relevant anatomical elements are included for brain, spine, and peripheral nerve procedures. The advanced trainers have full medical imaging compatibility (CT scan, 2-dimensional and 3D ultrasound) and simulate true operative metrics of performance (blood loss, tumor margins, operative and ischemia time, amongst others).
Brain Tumor Phantom (Cortical and Subcortical)
VIOMERSE Brain Tumor Phantoms enable lifelike resection of tumors from the brain in a manner that replicates key elements of the operating room, including fluorescent microscopy and image-guided navigation. Tumor characteristics are fully customizable (size, texture, color, and simulated fluorescence), and available in multiple cortical and subcortical locations within the brain. Simulated sodium fluorescein and 5-ALA can be included within tumors upon request.
MRI DICOM files provided with every phantom enable image-guided navigation, and fiducials included on the plastic skull base allow for easy registration.
Intracerebral Hemmorage Phantom
VIOMERSE ICH Phantoms are the ideal training tools for the treatment of intracranial hemorrhage using minimally invasive techniques. The phantoms contain two hematomas within a realistic hydrogel brain and a durable plastic skull base simulating a patient in the supine position. Full procedural and refillable versions are available.
Full Procedural ICH Phantom:
Two hematomas within a realistic brain. Synthetic frontal bone, dura mater, and scalp enables full procedural simulation (trajectory planning, burr hole drilling, clot evacuation). CT DICOM files (included) enables image-guided navigation.
Refillable ICH Phantom:
Durable brain with pre-made channels to hematomas. Refillable hematoma chambers.
Cranial Ultrasound Phantom
VIOMERSE Cranial phantom intended for repeated ultrasound imaging of the brain. Hydrogel brain includes tumor, resected tumor cavity, ventricles, falx cerebri, and pituitary lesion visible through transsphenoidal passage.
Ventricle Phantom
Phantoms consist of a hydrogel brain with functional ventricles that can be pressurized during training sessions using a gravity flow bag (included); insertion of commonly used neurocritical care equipment (shunts, EVDs, etc) causes a realistic efflux of fluid upon insertion into the ventricles. Phantom includes either a silicone scalp and plastic skull with pre-drilled burr holes at Kocher’s point, or a synthetic skull and hydrogel scalp to enable trajectory planning and cranial access. Ideal for hands-on training.