Women don’t want to be your guinea pig, practice makes perfect.
Our advanced models simulate all critical elements of a specific procedure. The materials included have biomechanical characteristics similar to those of human tissue, and behave in a similar manner during cutting, manipulation, suturing, and electro-cautery. Relevant anatomical elements like bowel, vasculature, fat, and other features of internal viscera are included. The advanced trainers have full medical imaging compatibility (CT scan, 2-dimensional and 3D ultrasound) and simulate true operative metrics of performance (blood loss, tumor margins, operative and ischemia time, amongst others).
OB/GYN Pelvic Phantom
Pelvic phantom containing vagina, vaginal vault, uterus with cervix, urethra, bladder, and rectum. Ideal for training with standard gynecological exams, transabdominal ultrasound, advanced procedures like hysteroscopy and endometrial ablation, as well as LDR and HDR brachytherapy.
Breast Phantom (In Development)
VIOMERSE’s Breast Phantom contains one tumor and one cyst within the breast tissue, intended for ultrasound imaging and simulated biopsy. Chest wall included and visible on ultrasound.