Make it stand out.

  • Partial Nephrectomy Phantom

    Partial nephrectomy phantom compatible with laparoscopic or robotic surgical systems. Consists of kidney with 2 tumors. Kidney is covered in perinephric fat and contained within plastic tray.

    SKU: 860000027198 (Basic Model: 1 tumor located at lower pole and 1 tumor located at upper pole)

    SKU: 860000027195 (Intermediate Model: 1 tumor located at upper pole and 1 tumor located between the lower pole and midpoint of the kidney, close to the urinary collection system)

  • Kidney Pathology Phantom

    Synthetic left flank including skin, muscle, spine, ribs, kidney with 2 tumors, ureter and hollow renal pelvis and calyces. Includes kidney stone for lithotripsy and allows for endoscopic ureteral and percutaneous access. Enables imaging with ultrasound and fluoroscopy.

    Intended uses: ultrasound-guided renal biopsy, ureteroscopy and lithotripsy, PCNL, focal kidney tumor ablation.

  • Grow it.

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.